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Surrounded by fog is the CK Eddy House at 630 N. Jefferson near the Potter Street Train Station. The house was built in 1877 for Saginaw lumber baron Charles K. Eddy. Some say it’s Haunted, I don’t know about that, but C.K. Eddy’s son was the first automobile accident fatality in Saginaw, according to James Cooks Mills, History of Saginaw County, C. Kirke Eddy, was Saginaw’s first automobile fatality. He was riding Nov. 6, 1900, in a “Locomobile steamer” on North Jefferson when it struck a curb, pitching the lumberman’s son to the ground and fracturing his skull later it was used as the Evens-Smith funeral home and I can see why people think that it may be inhabited by ghosts