I came across this old photo of Mitts & Merrill Foundry. I am not sure where Tilden street was or is. Mitts & Merrill had a foundry along the river on Water Street. That is where the Saginaw River Walk smokestack came from. ( you can see a post about it HERE) I am not sure if Tilden was the original name of Water Street. I know a lot of the names of the streets changed when East Saginaw and Saginaw City merged together.
What really caught my eye is the wooden crane/hoist thingy mounted to the side of the building. I am assuming this photo was from the late 1800’s long before fork trucks and hydraulic cranes. The wooden building hoist must have been how they unloaded wagons back in the day.
If you want a Pure Saginaw Wall Calendar I have a couple that I was saving in case I had any get lost in the mail or anything. I added the few that I have into inventory so if you want a calendar you can order them by clicking HERE
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