More than two centuries ago a ragtag army fought the most powerful empire in the world. It was an impossible endeavor and the king thought they were destined to fail. The desire for freedom from the British Monarchy could not be defeated. Shortly after their victory from oppression, the founding fathers wrote on a piece of paper the words that outline the new nation’s government by the people and the freedoms granted to its citizens The virtue and authority of this piece of paper does not come from the men who wrote it. Rather, from the men and women that have taken an oath to defend it with their lives.
Thank you is not a strong enough word to use for the sacrifices made by the veterans who have fought, and continue to fight, defending a piece of paper that defines our nation. Until a word is created in the English language to convey my gratitude, all I can say is Thank You and hope that they will understand how much my freedom means to me.
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