Since the Shiawassee Wildlife Refuge obtained the old Germania golf course I finally got a chance to go for a walk down the cart paths. It was a nice walk among the tall grass and trees, although there are no maps or signs to guide you. I have never played golf, let alone been on the course at Germania and was not sure of the route the cart path take, I had to break out my Iphone to see where the cart paths traverse the property. I will say it was strange seeing a golf course on my phones satellite map, when I am standing at my current location looking at tall grass. the remnants of the greens and sand traps are hard to find since nature is reclaiming the land.
I also saw several deers ( yes I said deers, get over it if your a grammar nazi) along the wooded section. They must be somewhat used to people, since they did not seemed to be bothered much by my presence. I got up rather close to them and got a photo before they finally darted off into the woods.