On the corner of Fergus and Bishop roads in Albee Township across from the old Prarie Saloon, (now Good Times) sits this old general store looking building. According to an old plot map, this was known as McDonough or Mcdonough Corners. There was a post office that operated there from 1892 to 1903, I wonder if it was in this building?
up the road to the north was the town of Alica that was part of the Prairie Farms. I could not find much else about McDonough Corners, but since it’s the closest town outside of the Prairie Farms, I wonder if this is where the workers went to get a drink, hence the Prairie Saloon.
P.S. Yeah I know it’s probably not what most people would call a ghost town since there are still people living in the area, but I refer to them as ghost towns since they show up on the map but don’t really exist anymore.
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