This is the old tractor at the Murphy Farm, in St Charles, that’s part of the Hartley Nature Center. I thought I would post a pic of it just because I like it. I don’t have a story or anything to go with it, so I want to take this moment just to say THANK YOU for reading my posts and subscribing to my emails, and all your likes and comments, it really means a lot to me that you take time from your busy day to read what I write, even if sometimes my writing “ain’t to good”.
I also want to thank everyone that got a shirt from me this past week while they were on sale. you have no idea of how much I appreciate the help in doing this website. after loosing my job a few years ago I would never imagine I would be doing what I am today if it was not for your help.
I hope you will Subscribe to Pure Saginaw, facebook has been acting a little strange lately when I link to my posts so if you want to be sure to see everything I post please enter your email address
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