As the kids go back to school it’s hard for me to imagine what it must have been like to go to a one room schoolhouse. I Graduated from Carrollton High School in the 80’s and we had about 80 students in my graduating class. I always thought that was a small school, now with the way schools are funded, it seems to benefit the larger school districts to have more students for more funding, and I am sure we will never see any new one room schoolhouses.
Bridgeport’s School District #6 was established in 1862 and the school was built in 1867. Miss Lucie H. Adams was the first teacher in the new school building. In 1953, the school was moved from 4705 South Washington Road to Brown Street, a.k.a. Bearcat Boulevard, across from the old Bridgeport Junior High, where Mrs. McNally used the school as a music classroom and it was nicknamed “Carnegie Hall.”
In 1962, it was painted red, named “The Little Red Schoolhouse” and was used as a pioneer school museum. In 1987 with the old schoolhouse deteriorating the school district made the decision to have it demolished but a group of Bridgeport citizens raised money and had it moved to the Bridgeport Historic village in 1990 and restored it to it’s original condition and color.
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