I found this old photo of Hamilton Street looking north from Court Street. The building on the corner is where the parking ramp is now. It seems so strange to see all the building along the east side of the street since it’s mostly parking lot now. I am not sure when this photo was taken but judging from the horse and buggies in the photo I wold say the late 1800s or early 1900s and it looks as if the road was dirt with trolly tracks back then. I like the old-timey looking street light, oh wait, back then that was high tech.
It would be interesting to travel back in time to see what Saginaw was like back then, but I can only imagine what it must have smelled like with all the horses and the road apples they leave behind.
P.S. sorry I have not been posting as much as I would like, I have been working on my book for my Lost In Michigan website. ( click here to visit it)
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